Eala Chapter 10
Gun cleaning and target
practice. Check. Run ten miles before sparring. Check. Work at Eala. Check. Oh,
and try not to kill anyone. Repeat the next day.
Two months in, and I'm
positive my body is in the best shape of its life. My gun skills are also in
top form. Every day since Edward left, I've been running, shooting, and
sparring. I've worked so many hours at Eala, it's a good thing I don't have to
pay myself. My life is at a standstill. No matter how many times Angela drags
me to her place to have dinner with her and suit man, it just reminds me of
what I can't have. Then I start thinking of barging into Twilight and saying
fuck the hiding, but I know I can't do that to Edward. He would never be able
to do his work, or focus on what he needed to do.
I run my fingers through
my hair, trying to focus on anything other than the empty hole in my heart.
I take out my Glock and
set in on the coffee table, lining my gun cleaning supplies up on the table
next to it. I drop the clip and double check the chamber to make sure it's
completely unloaded. I begin to strip my gun into the major components: frame,
slide, spring, and barrel. Every part of my body seems at ease as I focus all
my energy on this one task.
Before I know it, I'm
down in the bar doing some paperwork. Inner Circle Avenue is playing tonight, a
popular band, so we're packed. I sigh, looking at the surveillance screens and
knowing the workers are drowning. I step out of my office and start helping.
I find Angela trying to
fill orders from the bar and simultaneously waitress. I grab the tray from her.
"Where to?" I
"VIP section.
Whisky to Mr. Cullen, beers to his guards," she answers nonchalantly.
"Well, you take it,
and I'll take care of the bar." I attempt to hand the tray back, because
there's no way in hell I can go over there.
Angela rolls her eyes and walks away, the bitch.
I find myself touching the necklace Edward gave me to calm myself.
I blow out the breath
I'm holding. Carlisle Cullen is about to find out who I am to his son. I want
to be smug about this, because after all this hiding, breaking it off will turn
out to be for nothing; once Carlisle sees the necklace on me, it'll all be out
in the open.
It's not in my nature to
cower and hide, so when I notice his steely eyes on me I stare right back,
almost begging him to say something to me.
"Your drinks,
gentlemen." I hand the whisky to Carlisle and the beers to the men with
Carlisle's eyes wander to my necklace and back
to my eyes. "Go raibh maith agat." His voice is tension
I can feel myself ready to explode at this man.
"Tá fáilte romhat."
I watch his jaw drop
just enough to feel vindicated. I'm sure he has all kinds of judgment inside
his head about me.
"If you need
anything else, don't hesitate to ask." I quickly walk away from him before
I find myself saying something I wouldn't regret, but would put me in an
awkward situation.
For the rest of the
night, I ignore him almost to the point of avoiding that entire section of the
bar. I can feel his eyes on me. The more he watches me do my job, the more I
felt the need to prove to him that I'm worthy.
As I'm walking around
checking tables, I see my newest and youngest employee, Bree, getting harassed
by a couple of biker boys. And nothing flips me from zero to killing someone
faster than watching my female employees being harassed.
"Bree, go ahead and
take your break." I gently tug her away. I can see unshed tears in her
eyes and relief flood her face.
"Aw, we were having
fun with her," a tattooed, leather vested beefcake-looking man says to me.
His buddies laugh with him.
"Time for you to
go. I will not have you harassing my staff," I spit out, pissed as fuck.
He stands up, having a good two feet and three
hundred pounds on me. "You're going to have to throw me out, princess."
He smirks.
I grin. "You just made
my day." I kick him in the side of his knee, and he screams and goes down
right before I grab the back of his head and smash his face on my knee,
knocking him out. I call to Tony and Ryan to drag him out.
I turn to his friends.
"You gentleman can take your leave now, also." I raise my brow,
daring them to argue with me. I still have some pent-up anger to get out.
They nod and quickly
follow their friend out of my bar.
I go to Bree and make
sure she's okay.
"Yes, thank you,
I smile. "It's my
job to make sure you feel safe here. Now, are you okay to go back to
She smiles and nods,
heading back to the floor.
The night goes by
quickly, but Carlisle seems to be content just sitting and watching me. I want
to punch him in the face more times than I can count, especially now that
everyone else is gone and I'm standing behind the bar staring at him and his
guards wondering if anyone would suspect me if I killed them. I can erase the
tapes, and it's not like anyone would really believe a little woman like me
could kill off three mobsters. They wouldn't even see it coming.
Sometimes I scare
"I would like to
ask you a question," he hollers across the room.
I walk towards him, but keep a good fifteen feet
away, for his safety. "What's the question?" I ask,
managing not to grit my teeth.
"My oldest son, he
won't bring a woman into the family. I know he was involved with someone and
must love her, but he refuses to let us meet her. Why do you think that
It doesn't take me long to have my answer. I'm
not one to lie or hold back, and I never will be. "Maybe it's because when
he was just a child he watched his mom murdered in front of him and his father
did nothing about it. Maybe he is so scared of losing the woman he
loves as much as he loved his mother. Maybe, just maybe, he has trust issues
when it comes to the security in the family. Have you noticed how he has extra
protection added to the other women in his life?" I raise my brow.
"Just a thought."
"I think you're
fucking mistaken," he spits out between his teeth.
I can't help but snort
at his stupidity. "Sure, why not. Either way, get the fuck out of my bar.
It's closing time." I'm done with this and him.
He abruptly stands up,
spilling the drinks all over the table. I feel myself itching for my gun yet
"I'll be seeing you
around." He throws a wad of cash on the table.
I smirk. "Not if I
see you first." I feel fire in my veins, the threat hanging in the air.
He and his lackeys storm
out of my bar.
He's going to tell
Edward. Now that Carlisle knows about me... maybe, just maybe...
Sundays at Eala are
nicely paced; not too slow, but not the same bustle as Fridays and Saturdays.
I'm wiping the counter down when I feel a buzz of electricity on the back of my
I turn around and see
Edward standing there with several day's stubble on his face and dark circles
under his green eyes.
I stay glued to my spot,
unsure of why he's here.
He spots me, and just a
few strides later, his arms wrap around me and he crushes his lips to mine. I immediately
Once the catcalls and
whistling begins, we break apart, panting.
"I thought…" I
stare at him in confusion.
"I don't care, I
need you beside me. These last two months have been hell." His forehead is
pressed against mine.
A content sigh escapes me. "I have to say,
I'm in the best shape of my life." I chuckle as a scowl forms on his face.
"I love you, dathúil." I kiss his frown.
His lips curve up.
"When are you closing?"
"On Sundays, we
close at midnight." I pat a stool. "You can wait here, or at my
apartment," I tell him as I walk backwards away from him.
He takes a seat.
"I've already been away from you too long, I'll wait right here."
I don't think I've ever
smiled this much. "Good, it gives me something to look at as I work."
The hours go by
horrifically slow with Edward touching me innocently every time I'm near him.
When I finally lock the
doors, an electric buzzing shoots through my core. I'm playing with the rag in
my hands when I feel his touch on my waist.
"I'm ready to go up
to the apartment and show you how much I've missed you." His velvet voice
causes goosebumps on my skin.
"I have to clean
up, Edward," I moan, leaning back on his chest.
"We can do it in
the morning, me and you."
I turn to study his
face. "You're staying the night?"
He smirks. "If you
let me, yes."
I take his hand and lead
him up to my apartment and into my bedroom.
I push his jacket over
his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. Then I begin to unbutton his
shirt, taking my time, my eyes never leaving his ever-darkening green ones. I
reach the last button and open his shirt. I gently run my nails down his chest,
causing him to grip my waist wonderfully hard. I push his shirt off next, then
I unbutton his pants and push them down to his feet. I lean up to his ear.
"Finish taking those off, will you?"
He kicks his shoes off,
followed by the pants, leaving just his boxers that are showing his very
prominent erection.
Edward grabs me, sucking on my earlobe.
"You are wearing entirely too many clothes, leanbh."
I giggled. "How do
you propose we fix that?"
He growls, ripping my
shirt over my head and then lifting me up to toss me on my bed where he tears
my pants off, leaving me in just my underwear.
His eyes are already
fucking me, but I need his cock in me now. "Edward, I need you," I
"Leanbh," he murmurs as he
takes my panties off, followed by his boxers. I unclip my bra, throwing it
somewhere in the room.
He hovers over me,
kissing me deeply as he enters me in a swift move. I feel myself arch off the
bed as I moan his name. His elbows are on either side of my face as he pumps in
and out me, our eyes fixed on each other, foreheads touching. I wrap my legs
around him, my nails pressing into his biceps.
"I'm not going to last long, grá."
He thrusts harder.
"Neither am
I." And just like that, the coil in my lower belly snaps and I scream in
pure bliss.
I'm barely aware that
Edward has also joined me in post-conjugal bliss.
I feel warm, so warm,
and the nightmares have stayed away. A shift in the bed catches me off guard; I
quickly grab my knife and nick whoever dares to be in my bed.
"Fuck, Bella!"
Edward yelps.
"Shit!" I sit
up quickly and turn my lamp on, looking at Edward. He's holding a spot on his
cheek where blood is trickling down.
"Oh, I am so sorry,
Edward." I cover my mouth. Shame seeps into me, raising a blush to my
But Edward begins to chuckle. "Mo ghrá
I fall back on the bed,
chuckling. "I really am sorry. I forgot you were sleeping over."
"Well, you'll have
to get used to it, because I'm never sleeping without you again."
I smile. "Would you
like to explain what changed your mind? Or was it just that your father figured
out who I am?"
It's time to talk about
it. I want to know if Carlisle talked to Edward or if he hid it. How much of
Edward's decision is from Carlisle if he did tell Edward about out encounter?
So many questions.
Edward sighs and tells
me everything that Carlisle told him about his mother. And then he tells me
that even if his father had not come to Eala, he was just a week away from
making me his permanently.
I cup his cheek, the one that's not bleeding.
"It doesn't matter what brought you back to me, as long as you're back and
you're not going to change your mind. Because I will not survive it, and
I will go on a killing spree."
He captures my lips. "Go deo, grá."
"Tú níos fearr."
And he isn't joking; he
demands that I come to tributes tonight to stand next to him where I belong. I
don't know if it's wise, but I also know I need to be there. I've missed him so
much I can't say no.
He leaves mid-morning,
saying he'll be back to pick me up later. I text Angela that I won't be in
tonight. It shouldn't be too bad, it's a Monday.
I decide to go for a run to help with my nerves.
This is huge, I'm going to be with his family, his father. I'll be
presented as Edwards girlfriend, his partner, and someday I'll be his donna.
I run five miles, ending
at the gym. Maybe I should go to the range. I decide that I don't need either
and run back to my place to take a shower and pick out my outfit for tonight.
I put on a blue and
white striped shirt with ripped jeans and white flats. I look good, I can have
my guns and knives where I want them, and I can fight in it without too much
skin possibly showing. I shouldn't really think like this, but I have no idea
how tonight is going to play out, and with shipments and merchandise missing
from Edward's business, I know I need to be ready for anything.
I hear the knock on the
door, and I all but run to answer it.
Edward is on the other side, smiling. The dark
circles are gone and so is the stubble. But now there's a butterfly bandage
where I cut him by accident. "You ready, grá?"
I nod, not trusting my
He escorts me down to
the black Escalade I've ridden in once before, but this time I don't hide
myself. I tip my head in greeting as the driver holds the door open. His eyes
widen as he takes me in.
Growling, Edward spits out to his driver, "Ag
teastáil uait a choinneáil do shúile chun do fucking tú féin."
The man's eyes fall to
the ground with an ashen face.
I look at Edward with a
brow raised.
He leans in, his breath tickling my ear.
"You are mine to admire, no one else's."
My head falls back.
"You can't threaten them all."
He grumbles something
under his breath as I climb in and he follows.
Being in the VIP section
at Twilight is an interesting experience. His brothers find me humorous, and
Carlisle just ignores me. I find that I'm okay with that.
"Rose, what do you
do?" I ask, trying to get to know everyone more.
She smiles. "I own
an auto body shop. I like to restore old cars."
"That's awesome.
I'm not a car girl, at all." I chuckle, sipping my drink.
"What do you
do?" she asks in return.
"I own a pub,
I feel Edward wrap his
arms around my shoulders, and I lean into him. He watches me with a smile.
Rose gasps. "I've
heard so many good things about Eala. I've been dying to go there and listen to
Inner Circle Avenue, but we haven't been able to make it."
"They'll be playing
again next month, you should come. I'll take good care of you." I pat her
She turns to talk to
Emmett with excitement about what I just said.
"Edward tells me
you're very proficient with guns," Carlisle finally speaks to me after
several hours of being here.
Our eyes meet, his
steely blue eyes to my brown ones. "Guns are second nature to me. I'm very
good at defending myself."
He nods slowly, his
fingers gliding over his chin. "Do you do any investigations?"
I hum, looking at him.
"I could, my father taught me several things of that nature."
"Let's take this conversation
to the office." Carlisle stands up, walking to a back room. I follow,
feeling Edward behind me as we enter the office with Carlisle's men.
Carlisle pulls a folder
out and tosses it on his desk. A few pictures slide out. "I was wondering
if you could find out everything there is to know about this man." He
hands me a picture.
I pull my gun and aim it at the center of his
forehead before anyone can blink. "How the fuck do you
have this?"
Edward uses a cautious tone as he comes up behind me. I count the guns around
me, calculating that I might get hit, but I'm sure I'll wipe most of them out
"I need to know how you got this
picture, right now!" I can feel angry tears ready to fall.
"I got it from a friend that was looking
into the man before the friend died. How do you know this man?"
Carlisle grinds out.
I slowly lower my gun,
looking back at the picture of a couple; a Russian woman and an Italian man. My
father once said we had to figure out the truth about them.
"I don't know them, but I took
this picture."
Go deo, grá~ Forever, love
Tú níos fear~ You better
Ag teastáil uait a choinneáil do shúile chun do
fucking tú féin~ You need to keep your
eyes to your fucking self
This one is black on black again and hard to read.