AFOC Chapter 16

Chapter 16 BPOV During the trip, Julie is withdrawn, as if she doesn’t want to be here. I don’t want to pry by asking her what’s wrong, so I just help with packing the few things she picked out and get the rest ready to ship. She doesn’t ask to see her grandparents or even any of her friends. I should worry why she doesn’t, but she’s in such a hurry to just go back home. She seems miserable during the time we spend in Florida, but I don’t want to make it worse by asking too many questions. Now that we’re on the plane home, I figure it’s a good time to ask. I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “Are you okay, sweetie?” She shrugs. “Are you and Edward officially my parents in the eyes of the law now?” “Yes,” I answer slowly, confused about the direction the conversation is now taking. “So, I can call you Mom, and Edward Dad?” Her voice trembles, showing her vulnerability. Oh. I squeeze her close to me, kissing the top of her head. “You can call us whatever you feel like....