Driving Forces Epilogue

Epi 10 Years Later EPOV Life as Edward Cullen for the last ten years has been everything that I ever dreamed of having. I have a successful career as a lawyer at Cullen Enterprises. I have Bella, my amazing wife, and mother to our kids. Emma Cullen is strong-willed and has her aunt Rose’s sassy attitude that gets her into trouble more often than not. And she argues to win just like a daughter of two lawyers. It wasn’t long after we married that we decided to open our homes to foster kids. They ranged from months old to almost aging out of the system, and we loved each and everyone with passion. I wanted them to feel loved and secure at least once because I knew how they felt when they came to us. Even when Bella became pregnant with Jeremy, we continued fostering. We eventually adopted Jordan and Gianna. Jordan was twelve when he first came to live with us; he’s now seventeen. Giana was fifteen, and she is now eighteen, graduating this year. They both have their issues, bu...