Driving Forces Chapter 12

Chapter 12 BPOV I can't help overanalyzing what just happened. In a span of a few moments, everything was ruined. I swear that Edward and I were right on the brink of planning our first date as a couple. We were moving forward. But now... what happens now? Internally, I curse myself out for even thinking about such things when Edward is scared and frightened. I drop my head in my hands, and the papers are right in front of my face. Rage. Pure, unadulterated rage flows through my body as I stare at the legal paperwork. They let her out. They let that psychotic bitch out of her fucking cell. My hands tremble as I set them on the desk, trying to think straight. The problem is, the papers are in my sightline and I can’t help looking at them again. Edward left all of it with me when I told him to go home for the day. He ended up going to my house with Emma, Eleazar, and Alistair. Edward said didn’t feel safe at his apartment, so I told him to go to my place beca...